Myfavoritewhites’s Blog

MyFavoriteWhites: All Facebook Crackers; “Facebook crackers? If he (another one of my anti white friends who I’m trying to convince that whites are okay) hadn’t meant that in a racially slighting manner, that could become an endearing word coinage,” I thought. “Facebook Crackers. I like That.”

I just got a phone call from an anti white friend of mine who I’m trying to convince whites are okay complaining about my last post: AREN’T THESE GUYS GREAT! MARK ZUCKERBERG, JESSIE EISENBERG, ANDY SAMBERG & LORNE MICHAELS (MYFAVORITEWHITE JEWS?)

In it I acknowledge that after their SNL performance, Zuckerberg, Eisenberg, Samberg & Michaels became some of my favorite whites.

“They are just a bunch of fake Jew, Facebook crackers,” apparently after reading the post, this anti white friend bitterly scoffed!  Continue reading

Aren’t These Guys Great! Mark Zuckerberg, Jessie Eisenberg, Andy Samberg & Lorne Michaels (MyFavoriteWhite Jews?)
Aren’t these guys GREAT!